Anyway, we had a great time with our visitors.
Firstly we gave them a terrific (about Level 4) welcome because we hadn't seen them for a while and we figured that they would have brought treats with them. There was jumping and squeaking and wagging and slurping which made them feel really appreciated and in the mood to distribute the treats.
We scored chompy chews so the welcoming effort was worthwhile.
Then, the humans all settled down to eat scones with jam and cream so we waited and waited and waited (patiently) until they noticed us again. We were sitting so beautifully that we scored half a scone each.....but no jam and no cream. Pfft!!
After that, we played fetch and pull games with our toys. Mark is good at these games. We have taught him well. Even Heidi played fetch which is normally beneath her dignity......and then.....Mum brought out our most favouritest, bestest, most terrificest toy........our squeaky lizard. He usually lives in the top cupboard in the kitchen and we hardly ever get to play with him because I have tendency to try to rip his tail off. Mark played with us for a long time with the lizard and our other toys. It was great. We didn't have time to play wrestling with Mark because the humans had to go to catch a bus. I don't know if buses are hard to catch but Mark and Eliza seem to try to catch one regularly. Ah well...we really enjoyed the visit and Heidi said it was just as well they left because it was time for Mum to serve our dinner.
After dinner we just had to have a bit of a snooze because visitors are really hard work.
I am dreaming about that squeaky lizard and trying to figure out a way to get him out of his cupboard.
Heidi is curled up on the chair and Mum and Dad are being quiet so that we can sleep. Zzzzzzzzz.